What Does Hand CMC Joint Arthritis Feel Like?

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With the thousands or potentially millions of ways we use our hands, having hand pain and discomfort can significantly impact daily life, especially when it's linked to notoriously painful and immobilizing conditions like CMC joint arthritis. This type of arthritis affects the carpometacarpal (CMC) joint at the base of the thumb, making simple tasks like gripping and pinching difficult. At Interventional Orthopedics of Atlanta, Dr. Christopher Williams helps patients overcome the pitfalls of CMC joint arthritis with a range of both conservative and regenerative therapies. If you're experiencing pain or stiffness in your thumb that you think may be related to CMC hand arthritis, keep reading to learn more about how you can obtain a definitive diagnosis, what treatment options in Atlanta may be effective for you, and how you can manage your symptoms at home.

What are the common symptoms of CMC joint arthritis?

While CMC hand arthritis can affect individuals slightly differently, there are some telltale signs and symptoms to watch for. Generally speaking, CMC joint arthritis often develops gradually, with symptoms that can vary in intensity from person to person. Some of the most commonly reported CMC arthritis symptoms include:

  • Pain at the base of the thumb
  • Stiffness in the thumb joint
  • Swelling and tenderness around the joint
  • Difficulty gripping or pinching
  • Reduced range of motion

These symptoms can make everyday activities, such as opening jars or turning doorknobs, increasingly challenging. The pain may worsen with activity and improve with rest, but over time, it can become more constant and affect your overall hand function. If you suspect that you may be suffering from hand CMC joint arthritis, don't hesitate to call our caring team to schedule an evaluation.

How is CMC joint arthritis diagnosed and treated?

At Interventional Orthopedics of Atlanta, Dr. Williams begins with a thorough examination of your hand, including a review of your medical history and symptoms. Imaging tests like x-rays may be used to assess the severity of the arthritis and determine the best possible course of treatment. Based on the findings of this evaluation, Dr. Williams will recommend the appropriate course of action for you. Treatment for CMC joint arthritis typically starts with conservative approaches, such as:

  • Anti-inflammatory medications
  • Splinting to support the thumb
  • Physical therapy
  • Corticosteroid injections

If these methods do not provide sufficient relief, Dr. Williams may recommend regenerative therapies, such as Regenexx® and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatments. These minimally invasive options aim to reduce inflammation, promote healing, and potentially delay the progression of arthritis using natural, regenerative methods that do not come with the downsides of surgery.

What are the benefits of regenerative therapy for CMC joint arthritis?

Regenerative therapies like Regenexx offer several benefits for patients with CMC joint arthritis, particularly when compared with more invasive options. Some of the most compelling potential benefits of regenerative treatment for CMC arthritis include:

  • Reduced pain
  • Improved joint function
  • Minimally invasive treatment
  • May remove the need for surgery
  • Enhanced tissue repair
  • Uses natural components found in the body
  • Minimal, if any, risk of allergic or adverse reaction

How can you manage CMC joint arthritis symptoms at home?

In addition to professional treatments, there are several strategies you can use at home to manage CMC joint arthritis symptoms, such as:

  • Avoid repetitive thumb movements
  • Use adaptive tools and aids
  • Apply ice to reduce swelling
  • Perform gentle stretching exercises
  • Maintain a healthy weight

These lifestyle adjustments can help alleviate pain and improve hand function, making it easier to manage your symptoms day-to-day. For the most consistent and lasting relief from CMC joint arthritis possible, consider pairing these at-home tips with our advanced regenerative therapies and enjoy the improved hand function and reduced comfort you deserve.

Restore your hand function with experienced care in Atlanta, GA

If CMC joint arthritis is affecting your quality of life, seeking specialized care is essential. At Interventional Orthopedics of Atlanta, Dr. Christopher Williams offers advanced treatments to help reduce pain and restore function to your hands. Don't let arthritis hold you back any longer. Call our friendly team today and schedule a consultation to explore your CMC treatment options and help find the relief you deserve.

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