Is Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy the Right Treatment for Your Muscle Pain?

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Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy has been used to break up kidney stones for decades, and the technology has more recently become popular in treating or managing a variety of musculoskeletal pain and injuries. In this setting, it's known as extracorporeal shock wave therapy or ESWT. At Interventional Orthopedics of Atlanta, orthopedic and pain management specialist Dr. Christopher Williams is committed to offering a comprehensive range of the most innovative, modern, and effective treatments and technologies available today to help patients achieve pain relief in the most convenient and longest-lasting way possible. With multiple nonsurgical pain treatments that may be appropriate for your specific type of pain or injury, it can be difficult to understand when and why ESWT may be the right decision for you.

Prior to starting any course of therapy, Dr. Williams will thoroughly discuss your symptoms, health history, and other factors. This information, along with a thorough physical examination, if applicable, will help Dr. Williams determine whether ESWT or another option may be effective for you. In the meantime, you can review the information here to better understand what shock wave therapy is, how shock wave therapy for pain works, what types of pain can be improved with ESWT, and more.

What is shock wave therapy for pain?

ESWT is a nonsurgical and noninvasive therapy that involves administering sound waves to the surface of the skin, which penetrate deeper layers of tissue to improve circulation, reduce inflammation, encourage healing and regeneration, and help patients recover from pain or injury faster and more completely.

Can you get shock wave therapy for back pain?

While each case is unique and will need to be evaluated by Dr. Williams to determine whether ESWT may be appropriate and effective for that particular patient, there are certain types of injuries and pain that are known to be highly responsive to ESWT. Some of the most common kinds of pain that may be improved with nonsurgical ESWT pain management include:

  • Tennis elbow
  • Golfer's elbow
  • Runner's knee
  • Tendonitis
  • Muscle, joint, and tendon injuries
  • Shin splints
  • Heel spurs
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Lower back pain

Does shock wave therapy really work for pain?

While there are many pain management treatments available, such as cortisone injections or physical therapy, ESWT may be a preferable and potentially more effective option for patients with the pain and injuries listed above, those for whom conservative methods (like the RICE method) haven't worked, and those who aren't willing or able to undergo invasive surgery. One of the most significant differences of ESWT vs. other treatments that is that it tackles the root cause of pain, promoting tissue regeneration and reducing inflammation. It doesn't just mask the pain like painkillers or temporary relief options. This makes it an appealing option for patients looking for longer-term solutions to their pain and injuries.

Get pain relief without prescriptions or surgery with extracorporeal shock wave therapy in Atlanta, GA

If rest, ice, over-the-counter medications, and other conservative measures haven't resulted in adequate pain relief but you're not interested in surgery or prescription drugs, you may be excited to learn more about the potential for nonsurgical pain relief with ESWT. For more information about ESWT for musculoskeletal pain relief, along with our full suite of modern pain management treatments and therapies, call Interventional Orthopedics of Atlanta to schedule your consultation and evaluation with Atlanta, GA pain management specialist Dr. Christopher Williams today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.